Robotic-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy

Posted on Sep 03, 2018

State of the Art Surgical Treatment for Prostate Cancer

by: Juvido Agatep Jr., MD


The prostate gland is a small yet important organ unique to men. It is located between the urinary bladder and the urethra, and is part of what is called the prostatic urethra, where urine and semen flow freely. Although small in size, the prostate is a vital part of the male organ system that produces fluids that aid in the nourishment, transport, and protection of sperm during copulation.


A number of conditions affect the prostate gland and symptoms may range from bothersome to excruciating, even lethal. Concerned patients may experience frequent urination, causing patients to wake up frequently in the middle of the night; intermittent, dribbling urination; a weak urinary stream; straining; the sensation of having a constantly full urinary bladder; and difficulty of urination. Patients who are unable to urinate must resort to having a catheter inserted through the urethra to drain the urinary bladder.


One such condition is prostatitis. This commonly happens when bacterial infection causes the prostate to become inflamed. The patient may experience fever, chills, body weakness or discomfort, joint pain, muscle pain, perineal or prostatic pain, lower back pain, or difficulty in urinating.


Another condition is benign prostate enlargement, or benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH). This is when the prostate gland enlarges and causes lower urinary tract symptoms similar to that of prostatitis.


Among all the conditions affecting it, perhaps the most dreaded is when the prostate grows a lump. A series of tests is necessary to determine whether or not this lump is malignant. The size, shape, and other irregularities of the lump may be observed, where the presence of palpable nodules or hardness may suggest a malignant growth. The urologist may also ask for a blood examination to detect prostate specific antigen (PSA). A high figure may suggest a suspiciously cancerous prostate gland.


When a patient is diagnosed with prostate cancer, the usual procedures, such as cryotherapy and radiation therapy, only involve killing prostate cancer cells and retaining the prostate. This poses a possible risk for the cancer cells to reoccur, making the option of surgery to remove the whole prostate in the hope of removing all cancer cells a viable choice.


St. Luke's Medical Center Global City offers robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy wherein surgery is performed using robotic arms to remove the whole prostate safely, while preserving its nerve supply for erection.


Patients who have undergone robotic radical prostatectomy quickly recover and usually go home 2 to 3 days after surgery. The procedure’s advantages also include better cancer control, preservation of continence and potency, less bleeding, minimal pain, and a quick healing process with barely any resulting scars. The results are better clinical outcomes and a better prognosis for patients with prostate cancer.


St. Luke's Medical Center Global City Institute of Urology is composed of highly capable experts in various aspects of genito-urinary malignancy, urinary obstruction, urinary stone disease, pediatric urology and male sexual dysfunction.


Should you have any symptoms mentioned above, a family history of prostate cancer, or if you are already 50 years old and above, do not hesitate to consult your urologist. Early detection of any prostate diseases drastically change clinical outcomes for the better.


Schedule a consultation with a St. Luke’s Urologist today. You may contact the St. Luke's Medical Center Global City Institute of Urology at trunkline 789 7700 ext. 7044.