6 Fun Facts About Hearing

Posted on Mar 03, 2018

1. The ear’s malleus, incus and stapes (otherwise known as the hammer, anvil and stirrup) are the smallest bones in the human body. All three together could ft together on a penny

2. The ear continues to hear sounds, even while you sleep.

3. Sound travels at the speed of 1,130 feet per second, or 770 miles per hour.

4. Ears not only help you hear, but also aid in balance.

5. Sitting in front of the speakers at a rock concert can expose you to 120 decibels, which will begin to damage hearing in only 7 1/2 minutes.

6. Thirty-seven percent of children with only minimal hearing loss fail at least one grade.

Hearing is precious and fragile. Prevent hearing loss by taking good care of your ears. For more information, please call Hearing and Balance Laboratory at 789-7700 ext. 2092 for Global City and 723-0101 ext. 5455 for Quezon City.